December 26, 2018 / by Linx / In News, Technology / Comments Off on 8D technology songs : Feel the beat with your head
During the last few weeks, the song Dilbar has become very popular through social networks and messaging platforms. “You will listen to this song with your head and not with your ears” – says the message that presents this track. Thanks to 8D software technology, the listener can enjoy an immersive experience by using his headphones.
To achieve the three-dimensional effect caused by this song, the developers have used a type of recording called “binaural recording”, with two microphones, trying to create a three-dimensional sound for the person listening to it.
For the recording, they have used a mannequin head, where a microphone has been placed in each ear, trying to imitate how humans interpret the sounds. However, binaural recording is not something new. Since the 20th century people sought to discover and imitate how humans hear.
For the recording, they have used a mannequin head, where a microphone has been placed in each ear, trying to imitate how humans interpret the sounds. However, binaural recording is not something new. Since the 20th century people sought to discover and imitate how humans hear.
Thanks to this technology, the listener will be able to enjoy the songs as if he was in the same room with the musicians. Put on your headphones and enjoy the experience!
Here’s a list of some iconic hits of the Histor of music:
Bon Jovi – Livin’ On a Prayer